Fairway Auto Center

Mar 4, 2022

Is your car’s transmission showing signs that it might need a repair? It’s never convenient to have to leave your car with your mechanic, but you might be wondering how long exactly you’ll need to wait for your repair. Here’s how long your transmission repair will take at your Tyler, TX dealership.

How Long Does a Transmission Repair Take at Your Tyler, TX Dealership?

How Soon Will You Get Your Car Back?

If you are having issues with your transmission, it’s important to take your car to a qualified mechanic that can help you. Your dealership’s mechanics work with your specific brand of car, so you can trust that they know what they’re doing.

Of course, having to wait to get your car back can be frustrating. So how long will you need to wait for your car’s repair to be finished? Transmission problems can be complex, so you might need to wait slightly longer for these kinds of repairs than for other types of repairs. You might need to wait anywhere from a day or two to three or four.

Minor Repairs

The good news is that most repairs needed for your transmission are fairly minor. The majority of them can be done quickly, as they won’t require the entire transmission to be removed and fixed.

The mechanics at your dealership also understand how much you need your car. They’ve got the technology and know-how to work on your vehicle as quickly and efficiently and get your car back to you as soon as possible while making sure it’s done right.

Complicated Repairs

As long as your vehicle only needs a minor repair for its transmission, you can expect to get your car back within a day or two. But your vehicle might have an issue that’s a little more complicated. In these cases, you may have to wait a little longer to get your car back. That said, it’s worth it if it means that it’s going to keep your transmission in good shape.

Complicated repairs might mean having to remove the entire transmission and examining it closely to determine what needs to be fixed. If you need a big repair like this, you might need to wait an extra day or two.

Why Take Your Car to Your Dealer?

You might be wondering whether it’s better to get your repair for your transmission done at a corner mechanic or your local dealer. If you want to make sure that your repair is done right and as quickly as possible, then your best bet is to visit your dealership.

They’ve got all the training and the equipment to do the repairs right, as well as quickly. You can always count on the mechanics at your local dealer for any repairs that you might need.

If your transmission is showing signs that it’s damaged and needs a repair, then it’s important to take your car to the right place. We’ll be happy to help you with whatever your car needs. If it’s time to get your transmission repaired, contact us today at Fairway Auto Center.